Trust & Treasure

But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. Matthew 13:16

Through the years, summer has taken on many views. In childhood, my memories of summer were exhilarating, full of family fun and feasting on not so good food, like coney dogs. In my teen years, summers meant earning money in the test-plot fields covered in pollen and lots of picnic lunches I had to pack for myself. In college and beyond, there really was no summer, just a continuation of work. Now with my family of littles, summer means becoming a cruise director for family fun and homeschool mom. Picnic lunches and coney dogs have resumed. I don’t anticipate and long for my summers as I did as a child. I do treasure them more now and trust God will use them in my life to build memories and traditions that my kids will treasure. Summer has become a time of sowing seeds of faith and lasting memories.

Trust in the Treasure
Recently, I studied the parable of the sower (Matthew 13) with my small group from church. It was helpful and insightful to get perspective on how others view or interpret this passage. All of us come with a lense on how we choose to view the circumstances of our lives. It is part of the make-up of the soil of our souls. Growing up on a farm, I understand the dependence that farmers have on the weather and the condition of the soil to nourish the seeds. The parable does not look at the weather as much as the placement of the seed in the soil. Perspective is about the condition of the soul and where one decides to put their trust and treasure, no matter the weather conditions. This summer, the farmers will need to trust that God will help their seeds take root and grow, just as I trust the seeds I am sowing in my kids will take root and grow. Trusting not in my own work, but the promise of the treasure.

Treasure the Trust
The parable of the sower is about where the seed chooses to land and the condition of the soil. The eyes and ears of one must be open to see to believe and listen to trust in something greater than themselves. Trust and then treasure. In my own life, the seed was first planted in pretty barren soil, but as I progressed in my journey it germinated and started forming roots. The trust began as I stepped out in faith to believe that God was not just a big guy in Heaven ready to condemn me to Hell, but a loving Father who wanted to have a real, lasting relationship with me. The roots began to grow and sprout as I trusted more in Him (instead of myself) and cultivated my relationship with Him. The journey is not over but is becoming more beautiful overtime as my trust becomes my treasure, my hope and my joy. The seed is sprouting and it is the time to be fruitful.

Trust and Treasure
Trust in the Treasure…Treasure the Trust

Where am I putting my trust? What do I treasure?