Rest & Eat

The apostles returned to Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught. And Jesus said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest awhile.” For many were coming and going and they had no leisure even to eat. Mark 6:30-31

This past week I got hit with a cold and by Sunday it had all gone to my head. I spent most of my Sabbath in bed. My body felt depleted of proper rest and nourishment. I always know when my kids are tired and hungry, they get especially cranky. Unfortunately, my soul doesn’t always have triggers that send me to bed or to the kitchen for food, but my spirit needs rest and refreshment too.

Eating and resting seem to go hand in hand. Many cultures have a period right after lunch where a nap is a key factor built in their day. I remember teaching in China and there was a “naptime” scheduled right after lunch. The body needs both rest and nourishment to function. My soul does likewise.

I don’t see any leisure in Jesus’ ministry but meaningful, intentional rest and eating. Eating, praying and feasting with friends was a bulk of His life and ministry. Jesus’ ministry involved many meals and there was typically leftovers. There were times when Jesus and his disciples needed to get away from the crowds to have meaningful rest. Jesus slept on the boat even during a storm and his disciples had to wake him up.  

God wants you and I to have rest too. He actually built rest into the equation for the week of creation. He rested on the seventh day. He wants meaningful rest and connection with Him on the Sabbath day. Daily, I also need to retreat and have some quality time to digest His words and rest in them. My soul must be fed truth from the Word of God. Once I read the words of God, I need to digest and rest in them. I want to absorb their wisdom – applying it in my everyday life in order to have a healthy balance and perspective on my reality.  Today, I might need an extra dose of grace. Tomorrow more mercy. God alone knows the exact portions to nourish and renew me.

God’s primary command is this, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind.” God wants me to digest His truth and love so that it impacts how I live, move, breathe and have my being. Sometimes, He has to knock me out with a head cold to help me slow down and take the rest I need for my body and soul. Resting in Him is definitely the best medicine.

Rest & Eat
Connect. Nourish. Digest. Refresh.

Have I had a good rest today? What nourishes my soul?