Redemptive Course

It is he to whom I will give this morsel of bread when I have dipped it. So when he dipped the morsel, he gave it to Judas. John 13:26

These days meal time at my house looks like a three-ring circus. I am the ring master feverishly moving about our island to get the kids in their seats, food distributed and drinks served before any of it lands on the floor. With two little toddlers and two grade school kids, a significant portion of the meal lands on the floor – morsels of bread, cheese and veggies destined for the trash. My kids don’t always enjoy the meal, but I know it gives them nourishment. Some meals are more satisfying and eventful than others.

Every meal begins with a host, thoughtfully planning and preparing the table and food to be set. In an upper room, Jesus, the perfect host, created a divine redemptive meal. He set the tone by washing the disciples’ feet. (A common cultural custom reserved for the servants, not the host). The meal was being prepared and the disciples were reclining in ease. Then Jesus began to speak and with a singular morsel of bread the Passover meal turned into the Lord’s supper. This simple gesture of giving and receiving created a symbolic tradition remembered to this day. (1 Cor. 11:23-26).

How did Jesus feel as he gave this morsel of bread to Judas? Did his hand tremble or waiver as He dipped the bread into the wine? I have no doubt in His resolve. This moment was purposeful and prophetic – His unconditional love, grace and compassion was being served to all of us.

Jesus told Judas to do what he needed to do quickly. He knew the plan and His purpose before the creation of the world. After Judas left, Jesus proclaimed, ” Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in him.” (John 13:33)

God set the table that day and provided the redemptive course. Jesus’ singular offering of His life is enough for each of us. His life for ours. His unconditional love poured out for all. (John 3:16)

No meal in my house will ever be that significant, but it can be meaningful and intentional. As the host, I set the tone for my family and the meals they receive each day. I desire to show my kids the unconditional love, grace and compassion that the Lord shows me. I pray this creates the foundation for them to understand and hopefully embark on their own redemptive course someday –  the bread and the cup offered to us all.

Redemptive Course
Set. Perfect Host. Redemptive Meal. Unconditional Love.

Where can my journey with God be redeeming?

What sort of meals have I been partaking? and serving?

Photo credit: Christina Wong

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