Preserving Values

Wisdom is good with an inheritance, an advantage to those who see the sun. For the protection of wisdom is like the protection of money, and the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the life of him who has it. Ecclesiastes 7:11-12 

On the farm…
Growing up in an agricultural community, canning was a major summer activity in our home. Every summer there was lots to prep, pollinate, pull, pick, process, preserve or pickle. I grew up working both on an industrial farm and learning the simplicity of a family garden.  There were many days, I wanted to quit the farm job for something easier, but my mom’s wisdom overruled. She constantly reminded me it was developing my character.  I now see these values engrained in me, preserving my life.

In the city…
I grew up with the knowledge that God loves me and He is my guide  but it wasn’t until I moved to the city that I truly appreciated my farm experiences and the values instilled in me from my youth. His wisdom preserves my life.  I am extremely grateful for His wisdom through family and friends that surrounded me and  instilled in me these strong preserving values.God preserved them in me for the times I would need them the most.

As I raise my own children, in a very different setting and time, I want to pass on these same ‘preserving values’ of faith.  In this global economy, my kids could end up living anywhere. I want to equip them with God’s wisdom to face their own life’s challenges.  His wisdom providing the protection and longevity in these values. Come, taste and see the fruit of His faithfulness in our lives.


Preserving Values
Wisdom. Grace. Longevity. Fruitfulness.

What values do I want to pass on to my kids and grandkids?

How am I preserving them in my own life?

Photo credit: Amy Ringger, Ringger Farms