Nourishment to Feasting

Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.
Hebrews 10:35-36

Recently, I struggled watching my grandmother slowly slip away. Toward the end, she was no longer able to swallow. According to the hospice nurse, the digestive system is the first to shut down to conserve energy for the heart and lungs. Although, my grandmother was not be able to nourish herself physically, God’s presence nourished her soul as she laid helplessly on the hospital bed.

Without nourishment our physical being perishes. Without faithful nourishment of my soul, I will perish. It can be a quick departure or a slow process of allowing ‘busyness’ to quench my hunger and thirst.

Over her 91 years, my grandmother fed numerous mouths and souls.  The source of her strength was evident to all who knew her. The countless verses highlighted in her Bible reveal the consistent nourishment to her soul. She was faithful to pass on a rich heritage of faith to her 100-plus descendants. What an amazing legacy!

Death is a reality but not the end of the journey. It leaps us forward to meet our Maker and our eternal destination. Most people enter this world in a hospital bed and many will leave the same way – from dust to dust.

On February 20th, my grandmother entered her final place of rest. She endured and remained faithful until the end. Now, she is finally feasting at the greatest banquet of all – the ultimate nourishment of her soul!

Nourishment to Feasting
Nourish. Digest. Endure. Feast.

How do I  nourish  my soul so I can endure?

What do I need to digest today?