When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. Matthew 2:10

This week we had tiny little visitors brought into our hair and home from my child’s school. It provided me the arduous task of spring cleaning my home and daily hair checks. As I struggled under the nuisance of it all, a joyful thought came to me. What if I could spread JOY as fast as those little lice can reproduce and spread? How can I get close enough to others that my JOY could be shared with them? JOY is the root word for grace in the Bible. JOY is a product of grace. Jesus coming down to share His JOY with us and dying on the cross – bringing JOY to the world.

It was an ordinary night, when the star shone bright. What great joy God must have felt to fulfill the law and reunite with His people by sending His Son – Jesus. What great joy Mary must have felt to meet the Messiah. I can hear her joy in the privilege of being chosen to parent Jesus (Luke 1:46-56) What great joy the Wise Men felt as they entered to see the newborn king. Each one rejoiced in their role at Jesus’ birth. vEach one unwrapped the presence of this great JOY in their lives. As I delight in the birth of Jesus there is a cool irony in that He delights to bring me life. His birth and death setting me free to experience true JOY.

The star had to be bright and distinct enough to guide the wise men to Jesus. Many would have seen the same star, yet did not discover the newborn king. They missed the star that would guide them to the true Light. Jesus is the light of Life to all who believe. Many missed the star entirely and did not rejoice that night. There are many who still have yet to see the Light of the world. They are living without the JOY of Jesus.  JOY cannot be realized until I choose to see the “star” in each and every situation. This JOY comes when I see that the Light of the World is everywhere – spreading His JOY.

Jesus Over You 

How do I unwrap JOY in my life? How can I spread JOY?