Food is Ready

He provides food for those who fear him; he remembers the covenant forever. Psalm 112:5

I have had my microwave for at least five years. Only today did I realized, that after it beeps to signal that the food is done, it also displays ‘FOOD IS READY’. I had to laugh because I just now realized this cool feature. Typically, I am not standing in front of the microwave waiting for my food to be done. Most of the time, I hear the beep and then later when I am ready, I go to retrieve the item. Sometimes I forget about it and much later I will discover my coffee mug left in there when I go to use it again the next day. (I know you are smiling now because that has happened to you too!)

My quiet moments with God tend to be like my microwave realization. I have read the same passages in the Bible over and over again. I will sit and even meditate but not retrieve anything. Then the next day or two, I suddenly get what God was trying to teach me. At the right time, what I have read will illuminate and tell my soul this ‘FOOD IS READY’ for you today. In this season. For this trial. For your retrieval.

God in His omnipotence and omniscience, looks down on my weary soul and knows exactly the replenishment I need. The food He provides not only replenishes, it also satisfies me uniquely – delighting my taste buds.  A professor once shared with our class, “you might not remember what you ate last week but you know it was good for you. The same is true with God’s word. You might not always remember what you read, but it was good for you.”

Only God can have a unending buffet of food uniquely prepared for us – simply retrieve and be replenished.

Food is Ready
Realize. Retrieve. Repeat. Replenish.

What food am I craving today?



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