Focus on Food

Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.
John 4:34

This weekend, I prepared a dinner party for some friends. I wanted to make the food look and taste just right. My focus was on the taste and preparation of the food, desiring my guests to enjoy themselves. Often times, when I am hosting, I tend to stress about the food and not the people. I miss the enjoyment of the party and connecting with my friends. Even writing this makes it all seem so frivolous. My focus is on food, not people.

Focus is a key issue for me these days. It is hard to stay focused when I am being pulled in so many areas in my life. God wants my focus for Him. He brings me to a place of complete desperation so I can align my focus (once again) and make space to see others. To see His focus.

Powerful Purpose
Food is a powerful connection in relationships. Jesus ate the bread and drank the cup of suffering so that I could have a relationship with God. His life purpose on earth was being “the bread and wine”. His focus was on the eternal nourishment of man’s soul. External. Self-less. Powerful. The greek word for food in this verse is broma. It’s meaning is that which is eaten or that which delights and truly satisfies the mind. Jesus satisfaction is derived from knowing and fulfilling His purpose – to save souls.

I tend to seek food for enjoyment, sustenance and satisfaction. Jesus does the exact opposite. His food is the harvest. Jesus’ focus was to delight His Father. He looked out and saw the fields of this world and they were full of the harvest of souls (John 4:35). He saw you and me. I am the food that Jesus focused on along with my neighbors, co-workers, friends, relatives – all those clothed in white whom He set free.

It is easy to be internally focused. It is difficult to step out and be externally focused on the needs of others. Jesus encouraged the disciples to see the harvest. Focus on food that will not perish – focus on the people. His dinner party has an open invitation and is always worth attending. 

Focus on Food
External. Purposeful. Soulful. Harvest.

What is your soul food?