First Fruits

In the exercise of His will He brought us forth by the word of truth, so that we would be a kind of first fruits among His creatures. James 1:18

One summer tradition for our family is staying the week at Grandma’s house for Vacation Bible School. It usually coincides with  the start of blueberry season.  My nephew owns Sunrise Harvest Farm and was thankful we could pick the first fruits of the harvest.

As we started picking, I reminded my kids to only pick the ripe berries and to leave the green ones. Each bush was loaded with bunches of berries –  a few ripe blueberries and many more green ones. These green berries would ripen at various times throughout the season. While picking the ripe ones, I realized the importance of getting the first fruits picked. Once the first berries are out of the way, it provides room for the green berries to grow.

The Old testament references the first fruits numerous times as an offering to be brought before the Lord for the priests. This would be an act of obedience for God’s people and provide a blessing to the priest. The priest’s responsibilities were to administer continual offerings for the people in the presence of the Lord. These first fruits were unto the Lord and for His glory. The people could see God ‘s provision as they released their harvest unto Him  – giving them room to grow and trust God with His blessings.

In the book of James, he shares how God created us to be His first fruits. This captures the essence of my earthly assignment – to live out my days as an offering. To be the first fruits among His people. Christ came as the ultimate first fruits. Christ was raised from the dead, the first fruits (or offering) of those who have fallen asleep (1 Cor. 15:20). Following Christ’s example, all God’s people have become a kind of first fruits (1 Cor. 15:23).  This challenges me to continually reflect a lifestyle of ‘first fruit’ living and giving. 

First fruit giving equates growth in God’s economy. This growth happens during the plucking or release of my first fruits. As I surrender my first fruits, I release the grasp of myself and my agenda. My offering can be a huge blessing of growth for me and hopefully impact the community around me. When God’s people live a ‘first fruit’ life, like the blueberries, growth will happen as there is space on the bush for other berries to ripen and the church to flourish.

First Fruits
Picked. Given. Growth.

What does my ‘first fruits’ look like today?  Is it allowing for growth in my life and impacting my community?

One thought on “First Fruits

  1. Wow! What great insight!helped me to see in God’s economy, by giving God the best help releases our tight grip on what we consider as “all that we deserve through work”. It reminds us that all good things comes from Him and that he is ultimately our provider and the blessing giver. I need to be reminded of this again and again. Thank you for sharing this insight! 🙂

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