Fasting to Feasting

So he [Moses] was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; he did not eat bread or drink water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 34:28 NASB)

Fat Tuesday is the day set aside by many to “binge” before Ash Wednesday.  A time when people will feast and celebrate before they go into their lent fast. In the verses above, Moses went through a period of fasting similar to our lent fast, but he was actually feasting with God during his fast.

Moses, a prophet of God, went through years of trials and challenges. During that time, God was grooming him for a special leadership role. He would lead God’s people out of slavery and bring God’s laws to His people. On Mount Sinai, God had a 40-day intentional meeting with Moses. In Hebrew this divine, appointed meeting and fellowship with God is known as “Moed”.

What was it like to feast with the Lord for forty days and forty nights? This was more than a casual meal, it was an intense fellowship. True abiding with the bread of presence. A time of soaking in all of His truth. A time for waiting and listening to every word that God spoke – downloading His covenant law for His people. Etching it on stone tablets for their good.

Our feasting with God is covenant-al. It is more than a casual conversation. It is soul deep – penetrating  the darkest parts of our being. It is there that the richness of knowing Him and being known by Him is found.

Having been a Christian for over twenty years, I am just now starting to understand this covenant fellowship. Having a daily Moed with God. It is easy to make it casual and requires less of a commitment on my part. Satan wants my relationship with God to be a casual one, without the depth of (heart) knowledge – shallow. Satan is jealous of this relationship. God is jealous for this relationship!

During this time of lent fasting, I’ve found myself frequently focusing on what I am sacrificing. However, when I am able to (re)focus on what I am gaining in my daily Moed with God,  turning my fasting into feasting – a true feast for my soul.

Fasting to Feasting
Sacrifice. Soak. Abide. Feast

How can my daily Moed be more meaningful and intentional?