Dine with Enemies

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Psalms 23:6

One of my favorite things to do is go out for a relaxing dinner with my husband (without kids!). We typically go by ourselves but, it is nice to go out with friends, share a meal and our lives with each other. My anticipation for the evening would drastically change if I knew I would be spending the meal with my enemies!

This verse in the Bible is challenging to me. Why would a loving God purposely prepare a table in the presence of my enemies? Who would choose to sit at this table? Not me! That is precisely why God prepares the table and orchestrates the details of my life – knowing conflict will be a part of it. 

David figured this out even before the meal started. He knew God’s provision and protection was there – His rod and staff (Ps. 23:5). I can see the intimacy growing in this Psalm. At the start of the Psalm, He declares God as “The Lord being His Shepherd.” Then David focuses on what He does for him. It moves into a more personal pronoun – “You prepare a table.” My relationship with God has a direct affect on how I view my conflict and how I feel about the outcome.

God is the one who arranges the details of my life – even down to who will be my enemies and the conflict I will face. He is the one who anoints my head with oil (His Spirit). Like David, I want to acknowledge God  will lovingly guide me with His “rod and staff” as I dine with my enemies.

I am still figuring out the table God is orchestrating for me. Sometimes the enemy is not sitting directly across from me – the conflict is within me. I am my own worst enemy – struggling with insecurities, wrestling with my sins and not grasping my real identity.  I allow others to affect me, instead of God’s Spirit and love to impact me.

His plans for the meal, the conflict and His desire for my cup to overflow into others reveals His sovereignty. He is the Good Shepherd. God’s table is set for me everyday in the presence of my enemies – without and within.  I can see Him setting it with my cup and His overflow. 

Dine with Enemies
Table set. Conflict. Oil. Overflow.

What table has God set for you today?